Priority theme and activities for 2012
The main annual theme for the Mutual Learning Programme was developed based on the EU Presidencies and the Commission priorities for 2012 and was approved by the Employment Committee (EMCO).
Theme and activities for 2012 remains the same as in 2011 - "Working towards the employment targets and priorities of the Europe 2020 Strategy"
The Peer Review seminars will cover a number of single initiatives relating to specific employment policy practices experienced in a Member State in line with the priority themes identified in the Annual Growth Survey (AGS) and the Joint Employment Report. The activities under the Mutual Learning Programme will mainly focus on succesful and innovative developments in line with the Europe 2020 thematic approach which could inspire other Member States to achieve the EU and national targets.
The work programme for Spring 2012 is as follows:
- Activation measures in times of crisis: the role of public works 26-27 April–Riga (Latvia), Peer Review
- Extending Working Life: The tripartite cooperation and the role of the Centre for Senior Policy 24-25 May–Oslo (Norway), Peer Review
- Employment policies to promote active ageing 11 June–Brussels (Belgium), Thematic Review Seminar
The work programme for Autumn 2012 is as follows:
- The dual training system - integration of young people into the labour market 24-25 September-Berlin (Germany), Peer Review
- Tackling Undeclared Work: developing an effective system for inspection and prevention 4-5 October-Prague (Czech Republic), Peer Review
- Evaluation of Labour Market Policies and programmes: the use of data-driven analysis 19-20 November-Brussels (Belgium)