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Follow up and Dissemination Activities

Follow-up and dissemination activities are intended to complement the Peer Reviews, Thematic Review Seminars and Dissemination projects by providing additional opportunities for mutual learning and disseminating the MLP results to a wider audience:



-Third Issue

-Second Issue

-Special Edition

  • Case studies: Case studies are prepared to support the dissemination efforts and focus on practices that were considered of interest to MLP participants.
    • Developing a 'dual vocational training' to support the labour market insertion of young people. A comparison between Spain and Germany scenarios.
    • The Irish approach to tackle undeclared work.
    • Labour market policy evaluation.  Development on the discussions from the London to the the Brussels PRs.
    • Public works programmes. The Latvia-Greece case.
    • The ‘Knowledge bank’ on labour market measures in Denmark, a project which was briefly presented at the PR on the ‘Evaluation of Labour Market Policies and Programmes: methodology and practice’ (London, September 2011). The ‘knowledge bank’ is a database on evidence from evaluated labour market measures which currently being developed by the Danish National Labour Market Authority (NMLA).
    • The ‘Virtual Labour Market Platform’, the on-line support system used in Germany to bring together information about job seekers’ profiles with systematic and regularly updated occupational and qualifications databases, local and regional labour market data and an evidence based measures catalogue, all of which support the “human” decision making element by dedicated advisors in PES.
    • The 'Visitation process' in Norway (‘Visitas’). Visitation has been implemented in a way that supports the creation of ‘learning networks’ to discuss issues and topics to support improvements in the management of the local offices of NAV (Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service).