Host Countries
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- Access to employment
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- Gender Equality
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- More jobs
- New Skills for New Jobs
- Public Employment Services
- Quality in Work
- Responses to financial crisis
- Roma
- Skills Upgrading
- Social security (systems)
- Traineeship
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- Unemployment
- Vocational Training
- Youth
Peer Reviews
In the framework of the Mutual Learning Programme, within a six-month cycle, the Peer Reviews cover single initiatives relating to selected employment policy practices in line with the priority themes of the European Employment Strategy.The objectives of the Peer Reviews are to:
- Identify, evaluate and disseminate good practice according to the relevant priority theme;
- Assess whether and how good practices can be effectively transferred to other member states;
- Provide a learning opportunity throughout Europe about the implementation process or policy approaches and programmes in the field of the thematic priority;
- Follow-up and implement the objectives of the European Employment Strategy.
Member States (in co-ordination with the Employment Committee of the EU) submit proposals of good practice examples to be the subject for a Peer Review in relevant areas according to the priority theme. They are typically based on existing evaluations or early monitoring data.
Each Peer Review is hosted by a Member State (Host Country) which presents the selected good practice. It is attended by a group of Peer Countries with a special interest in the experience and potential transfer of the policy. The participants in a Peer Review are government representatives, independent experts and representatives from the European Commission.
Further guidance on Peer Reviews can be found here.