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Peer Reviews
Thematic Review Seminars
Follow-up activities
Synthesis Reports


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Follow-up and dissemination activities

Follow-up and dissemination activities should complement the European-wide mutual learning activities in order to achieve the objectives of the Mutual Learning Programme:
  • to develop partnerships or networks which pursue the identification and exchange of good practice in a transnational context, and/or
  • to encourage mutual learning within Member States and between Member States, including all key decision makers and stakeholders of the most effective policies and practices within key areas for the European Employment Strategy, and/or
  • to promote a wider and more effective dissemination of knowledge about the EES and its implementation to national or European-wide stakeholders.
The activities should contribute to increase the understanding of the EES and the quality of policy making in the Member States, by promoting policy review in a trans-national context, the development of dissemination networks and partnerships between Member States, national, regional and local authorities and stakeholders, and further the transfer of experience and good practice within and between Member States. The European Commission promotes mutual learning between the Member States and their relevant stakeholder by Calls for Proposals, where public authorities in the Member States can apply for co-funding of projects to be conducted nationally or in co-operation with other Member States, involving a larger group of stakeholders. In 2007, the call for proposal has been published with the deadline to submit project proposals on 29 June 2007. The text of the call and other relevant documents can be found on the following linK: Projects approved in 2005 under VP/2005/011 Mutual Learning and Dissemination Call for Proposals

EVA + (Italy, France)
MED Mutual Learning Programme (Spain, Portugal)
Adaptability, job creation, human resource development:
Bases of competitiveness (experts from Austria, Netherlands)
  • Monitoring Labour Market Reforms (Cyprus, Hungary, Lithuania)
  • European Network for Illegal Work (Romania, Netherlands, France)
    WISE (Working in Sustainable Employment)
    (Sweden, Slovenia, Czech Republic)
  • Kick off for Youngsters: Rosetta Plan
  • Seminar about a preventive action in Portugal: Inserjovem and Reage
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This page was last updated: Friday, March 6, 2009 at 5:03:56 PM