EVA + (Italy, France)
The project focuses on the theme of Attracting more people to enter and remain on the labour market: making work a real option for all. Specifically, the project focuses on the issue if labour market integration of low-skilled persons. The project, which builds on a previous project co-financed by DG EMPL called EVA, aims is to establish a network in order to better raise awareness, analyse and disseminate good practices among the local, Wallonian, and transnational partners and more generally to raise awareness of the themes, process and links to the local and regional contexts of the EES. Key stakeholders include primarily local and regional decisionmakers, concerned bodies, social partners but also the general public. In addition to a long series of working meetings with local actors and transnational partners, focused and targeted information campaigns involving the media and audiovisual presentations raising awareness of the relationship between the EES and local/regional labour market policy, good practice, and better understanding of the specific EU Commission to recommendations to Belgium within the frame of the Lisbon process.
Contact details to project leader
MIREC (asbl Mission Régionale pour l'Insertion et l'Emploi a Charleroi)
Ms. Stefania Rioli
Route de Trazegnies, 41
6031 Monceau-Sur-Sambre
Tel: +32 71 208229