Adaptability, job creation, human resource development:
Bases of competitiveness (experts from Austria, Netherlands)
The project focuses primarily on the theme Increasing the Adaptability of Workers and Enterprises due to its importance and relative lack of knowledge in Hungary of the Hungarian situation. Under this theme, six seminars will be organised on various aspects, among others flexicurity, link between technological and organisational developments, consequences of globalisation and the role of social partners. The workshops target three main groups: a) regional and national decision makers primarily in the field of labour market and regional policy, b) social partners at local and national level, and c) researchers. A so called discursive co-ordination method will be applied to the design of the seminars which will be held throughout the country in order to ensure regional participation and exposure.
The project will be monitored in-house with a dedicated website devoted to publishing all materials generated by the project, including speeches, conclusions and policy recommendations. While the project does not have formal transnational partners, experts from a number of other Member States will participate in all the various workshops.
Contact details to project leader
Hungarian Ministry of Employment and Labour
Dr Ágnes Simonyi
Alkotmány utca 3.
H-1054 Budapest
Tel: +36 1 472 8070