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Peer Reviews
Thematic Review Seminars
Follow-up activities
Synthesis Reports


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Thematic Review Seminars

More needs to be done by the EU and national authorities to support the exchange of information between all stakeholders concerned. The Thematic Review Seminars have an agenda-setting role for the mutual learning process and aim to steer the policy debate under an overall thematic focus. As emphasised in the Joint Employment Report 2007/2008 the implementing priorities for action is:

  1. Attract and retain more people in employment, increase labour supply and modernise social protection systems.
  2. Improve the adaptability of workers and enterprises.
  3. Increase investment in human capital through better education and skills.

The seminars are organised twice a year and dedicated to one of these thematic priorities. Together with key experts on the chosen priority theme the seminar includes a large group of policy-makers and stakeholders from across Europe. Each Thematic Review seminar focuses on the main policy challenges and approaches, from national and EU-wide perspectives, within the selected priority area. Official delegates from different member states present national achievements in the field as a basis for the subsequent discussions involving other member state officials and representatives of the social partners and other stakeholders.

The development of national flexicurity policies in response to labour market challenges
Bruxelles, 24 September 2008 [en] [fr] [de]

Improving access to the labour market for people at its margins with a special focus on people with a migrant or minorities background
Brussels, 29 April 2008 [en] [fr] [de]

Measuring, improving and promoting effects of lifelong learning
Brussels, 20 September 2007 [en] [fr] [de]

Modernising and activating benefit and social protection systems to promote employment
Brussels, 28 March 2007 [en] [fr] [de]

Flexicurity in a context of restructuring
Brussels, 27 September 2006 [en] [fr] [de]

Filling delivery gaps through better governance
Brussels, 26 April 2006 [en] [fr] [de]

Sharing costs and responsibilities for lifelong learning
Brussels, 28 September 2005 [en] [fr] [de]

Comprehensive strategies for active ageing
Brussels, 20 April 2005 [en] [fr] [de]

Increasing Adaptability of Workers and Enterprises
Brussels, 21 September 2004 [en] [fr] [de]

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European Commision

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