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Tailor-made Training Programmes

The Ministry of Labour and Employment in Luxembourg, hosted a Peer Review in Ettelbrück focused on the subject of tailored-made training programmes generally, and the ‘Tremplin pour l’emploi’ (‘Springboard to a job’) initiative specifically. It brought together ministry officials and independent experts from nine countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Greece Spain and Norway), as well as representatives from the European Commission.

Various presentations and a study visit to the Goodyear SA tyre plant illustrated the key elements for a successful tailor-made training measure: an initial demand for qualified sector-specific workers; a tailor-made curriculum to adapt the participants’ existing competences to the needs of a sector; the flexibility of a measure organised through a cooperation agreement; a strong partnership, as well as general willingness to co-operate that exists between governmental agencies and private partners; and the existence of a job opportunity at the end of the training.

A particular focus of the Peer Review discussions was the repercussions of the current financial crisis on the motivation of the employers to participate in these programmes and the relevance of these measures to produce satisfactory results in times of economic downturn. The main conclusions of discussions regarding the relevance, suitability and potential of this type of measures have been summarised under the following headings:

Is tailor-made training relevant in the current economic crisis?

  • Yes, but emphasis needs to be placed on providing general education and training.
  • There is scope for tailor-made training, particularly in cases of those under threat of redundancy (in combination with part-time employment).
  • Yes, it is suitable if a specific skills need is identified.
  • Yes, but there must be a firm link between the tailored training and the job offers available.
  • Yes, but it must be cost-effective. More studies and evaluations are needed to provide the evidence to underpin the investment in this type of measure.

Is tailor-made training suitable?

  • It is especially suitable for those who are not very distant from the labour market. However, this type of training has also been used successfully with ‘hard to reach’ individuals (e.g. in Spain).
  • Yes, providing there is employment engagement (both corporate and financial) and a commitment to recruit at the end.
  • Yes, if a specific sector or company presents a skill shortage.
  • Yes, when close collaboration between employers, PESs, training providers, ministries and other stakeholders exists.
  • Yes, it can apply to large and small companies, but the latter may not have the organisational structure and networks/links to request such training.

Is tailor-made training possible?

Yes if:
  • There is a structure for skills anticipation.
  • A strong partnership exists, specially with employers.
  • Public procurement frameworks are flexible to allow the recruitment of training providers.
  • There is an employer commitment to hire after training.
  • There is coordination with private training providers.
  • It has an industry recognised qualification or an element of a Continuing Vocational Training programme.
  • It can ensure the commitment, trust and motivation to undertake this type of initiative - an element that can be more 'cultural' than 'structural'.

PDF Downloads

Full summary report

Summary of the assessment of the independent thematic experts

Discussion Paper - Patrick Thill

Peer country comment papers from independent experts

Participating independent experts

Bulgaria Radostina BAKARDJIEVA Bulgarian Institute of Economics
Cyprus Savvas KATSIKIDES University of Cyprus
Czech Republic Petr NOVOTNY Masaryk University
Estonia Mihkel PILV MIKSIKE Learning Folders
France Sandrine GINESTE Bernard Brunhes Consultants - Groupe BPI
Greece Christos IOANNOU Body of Mediators and Arbitrators (OMED)
Luxembourg Patrick THILL CEPS/INSTEAD
Spain Elizabeth VILLAGOMEZ Almenara Estudios Económicos y Sociales
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This page was last updated: Friday, March 6, 2009 at 5:05:27 PM